Food transition: Revitalising indigenous and local food systems

Food transition: Revitalising indigenous and local food systems Vision Vibrant ecosystems and cultures ensure genetic diversity and diverse diets, improving health, resilience and livelihoods. Revitalised indigenous and local food systems contribute to local food security, food sovereignty and agroecology, and underpin a just agricultural transition. Rationale Investment in the revitalisation of indigenous and local food…

Economic transitions towards sustainable use and diverse local economies

Economic transitions towards sustainable use and diverse local economies Vision Diverse and human-scale economic systems are thriving, within which IPLC customary sustainable use and other small-scale producers are contributing to sustainable and resilient economies. Scaled-down consumption patterns are guaranteeing a sustainable and just society. Rationale Biodiversity loss, climate breakdown and intensifying social inequalities are the…

Incentives and financial transitions towards rewarding effective culture-based solutions

Incentives and financial transitions towards rewarding effective culture-based solutions Vision Incentives, including financial support for IPLC collective actions and innovative culture-based solutions, are prioritised; environmental, social and human-rights safeguards on biodiversity financing are applied; and perverse incentives and harmful investments are ended or redirected. Rationale Mobilisation and allocation of resources, both monetary and non-monetary, are…

Governance transitions towards inclusive decision-making and self-determined development

Governance transitions towards inclusive decision-making and self-determined development Vision Nested governance institutions, including IPLC authorities, are exercising decision-making at appropriate scales, ensuring whole-of-government and whole-of-society approaches that guarantee respect for human rights and diverse biodiversity and cultural values. These governance institutions are upgrading policy, legal and institutional transparency and accountability towards greater equity, wellbeing, sustainability…

Land transitions towards securing customary land tenure systems of IPLCs

Land transitions towards securing customary land tenure systems of IPLCs Vision The territories of life of IPLCs, including their distinct cultural, spiritual and customary relationships with their lands and waters and their intrinsic and vital contributions to human wellbeing, biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation and adaptation, are secured. The collective lands, territories and resources…

Cultural transitions towards diverse ways of knowing and being

Cultural transitions towards diverse ways of knowing and being Vision Humanity’s diverse ways of living, knowing and being in nature are celebrated, promoting plural values and worldviews across our economic, political and social systems, thereby securing the mutual resilience of nature and society. The diverse cultures of IPLCs inform and inspire the blossoming of new cultural…

Transitions towards living in harmony with nature

Part IV A Fulani family watering seedlings in Mali. Credit: Giacomo Pirozzi. Transitions towards living in harmony with nature IPLCs and biodiversity under threat IPLCs today are acutely experiencing the loss of both biological and cultural diversity. These losses stem from unsustainable global systems of values, knowledge, governance, production, consumption, technology, economics, incentives and trade,…