Use of terms and abbreviations
Use of terms
- This report uses the term indigenous peoples and local communities, or IPLCs, except in cases or contexts referring specifically to either indigenous peoples or local communities.
- The term indigenous and local knowledge(s) is used except in cases or contexts where traditional knowledge is more appropriate (e.g. as used by the Convention on Biological Diversity).
- The phrases ‘IPLC lands, waters, territories and resources’ and ‘IPLC lands and waters’ are used with some variations depending on context.
ABS — access and benefit-sharing
ANWR — Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (Alaska)
BIOFIN — Biodiversity Finance Initiative (United Nations Development Programme)
CBD — Convention on Biological Diversity
CBMIS — community-based monitoring and information systems
CIFOR — Centre for International Forestry Research
COP — Conference of the Parties (governing body of the Convention on Biological Diversity)
COP 10 — Tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the CBD (2010)
COP 12 — Twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the CBD (2014)
COP 13 — Thirteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the CBD (2016)
COP 14 — Fourteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the CBD (2018)
COP 15 — Fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the CBD (planned for 2021)
COP-MOP — Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol
EIA — environmental impact assessment
EU — European Union
FAO — Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FSC — Forest Stewardship Council
GBO-4 — Global Biodiversity Outlook fourth edition (2016)
GBO-5 — Global Biodiversity Outlook fifth edition (2020)
GEF — Global Environment Facility
GEF SGP — Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme
GPS — Global Positioning System
GTANW — Autonomous Territorial Government of the Wampis Nation
HLPE — high level panel of experts
ICCA — ‘territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities’ or territories of life
ICE — Indigenous Circle of Experts (Canada)
IFAD — International Fund for Agricultural Development
IIED — International Institute for Environmental Development
IIFB — International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity
ILO — International Labour Organization
IPA — indigenous protected area
IPBES — Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
IPCA — indigenous protected and conserved areas
IPCC — Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IPLCs — indigenous peoples and local communities
IPMG — Indigenous Peoples Major Group for Sustainable Development
IUCN — International Union for the Conservation of Nature
LAC — Latin America and the Caribbean
LBO — Local Biodiversity Outlooks
LBO-1 — Local Biodiversity Outlooks first edition (2016)
LBO-2 — Local Biodiversity Outlooks second edition (2020)
LMMA — locally managed marine area
MIHARI — Madagascar Locally Managed Marine Area Network
NBSAP — national biodiversity strategy and action plan
NGO — non-governmental organisation
OECD — Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development
OECM — other effective area-based conservation measure
PCB — polychlorinated biphenyls (man-made organic chemicals)
REDD — reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation
REDD+ — the UN REDD programme developed by Parties to the UNFCCC
RMFA — responsible marine fishing area
RSPO — Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil
SDG — Sustainable Development Goal
SGP — Small Grants Programme (of the Global Environment Facility)
SRDC — South Rupununi District Council (Guyana)
SSF — sustainable small-scale fisheries
STAP — Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (Global Environment Facility)
UII — Universidad Indígena Intercultural
UN — United Nations
UNDRIP — United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
UNEP — United Nations Environment Programme
UNESCO — United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
UNFCCC — United Nations Framework Climate Change Convention
VTIK — Vietnamese Indigenous Knowledge Network
WHO — World Health Organization
WWF — World Wildlife Fund